
Changing The World of Energy Procurement for business customers

Welcome to a new way of procuring your electricity gas at the best possible price – an eBay for energy.

Changing The World of
Energy Procurement
for business customers
Welcome to a new way of procuring your
electricity & gas at the best possible
price – an eBay for energy.
Group 21

The first digital platform that puts the customer first and
in control of the process.

Group 21

The first digital platform that puts the customer first and in control of the process.

What makes us different
In an untransparent market, where energy brokers seek to maximise the commissions they receive from energy suppliers we believe there is a better way of doing business.
What makes us different

In an untransparent market, where energy brokers seek to maximise the commissions they receive from energy suppliers we believe there is a better way of doing business.


Energy brokers claim to offer a free service, this is not true as energy suppliers pay large commissions direct to the broker, these are then added to the customers energy bill.


Our platform seeks to break this model, and be open, transparent and always operating in the interest of the customer.


Energy suppliers will not be charged for bidding, therefore no reason not to offer a competitive price, instead the customer pays a small fee for each contract procured through the platform.

Making the
complex simple
To improve that ability to get the best deal, an auction process can be run over several days, with real-time feedback to energy suppliers where they rank in the process
Electricity & Gas prices change daily in the wholesale market, so this gives energy suppliers to best chance to match their costs, whilst giving the customer the best deal.
Making the complex simple

To improve that ability to get the best deal, an auction process can be run over several days, with real-time feedback to energy suppliers where they rank in the process

Electricity & Gas prices change daily in the wholesale market, so this gives energy suppliers to best chance to match their costs, whilst giving the customer the best deal.