
Our journey started in 2021, when a team of energy, IT and sales experts got together to look at how we could solve both energy suppliers and customers lack of trust with how energy brokers operated in the business market.

Our journey started in 2021, when a team of energy, IT and sales experts got together to look at how we could solve both energy suppliers and customers lack of trust with how energy brokers operated in the business market.

In many circumstances, business energy has been mis-sold.

From energy suppliers receiving over inflated consumption values to get a bigger commission to customers not seeing the best deal because the energy broker doesn’t get the best commission with that supplier.

In many circumstances, business energy has been mis-sold.

From energy suppliers receiving over inflated consumption values to get a bigger commission to customers not seeing the best deal because the energy broker doesn’t get the best commission with that supplier.

Due to commissions being hidden, some customers didn’t realise that a large percentage of their bill from the supplier was to pay the commissions of the energy broker – this can’t be right and there must be a better way of doing business.
Due to commissions being hidden, some customers didn’t realise that a large percentage of their bill from the supplier was to pay the commissions of the energy broker – this can’t be right and there must be a better way of doing business.

energyBID Was Born...

A simple to use digital platform, where the customer was in charge not the energy broker, where everything was transparent and was free to use for energy suppliers

energyBID Was Born...

A simple to use digital platform, where the customer was in charge not the energy broker, where everything was transparent and was free to use for energy suppliers

We got to work designing the platform early 2023, with our mission: To reduce energy prices for millions of hard-pressed UK businesses and make the business energy market fairer and more transparent.

We got to work designing the platform early 2023, with our mission: To reduce energy prices for millions of hard-pressed UK businesses and make the business energy market fairer and more transparent.