
Our Services

Our wide range of energy services to support your business

Energy Contract Procurement

We provide our energy expertise and experience to help you select the supplier, the contract length and type of contract that supports both your energy needs and budget. 

Solar PV

Power your business with energy from the sun

Solar photovoltaic systems produce energy on site which reduces your reliance on the grid. This is healthier for the environment than relying on electricity produced using fossil fuels, and as this is self-generated it can lead to a decrease in energy costs too.

Energy Storage

Store your energy for when you need it most

This is an energy storage system for those who want to take control of their energy supply and reduce reliance on the grid. It enables energy to be stored from renewable technology during periods of low demand and utilised when required.

Electric Vehicle Charging

Is your business EV ready?

Electric Vehicle (EV) charging is becoming increasingly necessary with the uptake of electric, hybrid and low-emission vehicles increasing at an exponential rate. Locations such as hotels, car parks, offices, factories, warehouses, restaurants, stadiums, leisure centres and retail spaces will soon have to adapt to accommodate this new wave of travel.

Onsite generation

Businesses can benefit from Renewable Energy

Whether you are looking to harness the power of onsite generation or take greater control of your onsite consumption – we support you in making the right investment decisions by verifying your potential return on investment of each project.

Energy Reduction

Your first steps towards a brighter, greener future

Becoming more energy efficient is a simple way to help your business lower costs, reduce your carbon footprint and attract new, eco-conscious customers.

You can reduce your energy bills by making some simple changes. And when your efficiency strategy enhances working conditions, it can boost staff well-being and increase productivity.